The Top 37 Things Most People Regret When They’re Older

If there is one thing that most of us have in our lives, it is regrets. Looking back on those regrets is counterproductive, but when you are able to look forward to them, it can actually be an important part of your life. Understanding the potential for regrets can cause you to make changes now so that you don’t have them later.

When we get older, we tend to look back on our life and we may even look back on it fondly or with a degree of regret involved. Here are the top 37 things that people regret when they are older. Knowing these can help you make the changes now so that you can look back on your life with a big smile on your face.

1. Not traveling when you had the chance.

When you get older, it can be difficult to travel. Take the opportunity to do it when you are younger if possible.

2. Not learning another language.

Learning the language may be difficult but it is something that you will use for the rest of your life

3. Staying in a bad relationship.

When you make the break from a bad relationship, there are typically no regrets

4. Forgoing sunscreen.

Overexposure to the sun can cause various problems, including premature aging of the skin

5. Missing the chance to see your favorite musicians.

6. Being scared to do things.

You will wonder what you were afraid of when looking back on your life.

7. Failing to make physical fitness a priority.

When you make physical fitness a part of your life, it will benefit you in your older years.

8. Letting yourself be defined by gender roles.

9. Not quitting a terrible job.

If you are stuck in a job that you hate, make the change now. There is nothing like loving your job.

10. Not trying harder in school.

Many people who did not pay attention in school regret the lost opportunity when they get older.

11. Not realizing how beautiful you were.

Don’t be unhappy with the way that you look. Be happy with yourself, inside and out

12. Being afraid to say “I love you.”

It is not only the words, it is how it makes you and others feel

13. Not listening to your parents’ advice.

The older we get, the smarter our parents become

14. Spending your youth self-absorbed.

You will look back on this with embarrassment

15. Caring too much about what other people think.

You won’t care what those people were thinking 20 years from now. Why worry about it now?

16. Supporting others’ dreams over your own.

There is nothing wrong with supporting your own dreams

17. Not moving on fast enough.

Picking yourself up is necessary at times but don’t make a career of it

18. Holding grudges, especially with those you love.

Reliving the anger will only bring you down

19. Not standing up for yourself.

Old people don’t take sh*t from anyone. Neither should you.

20. Not volunteering enough.

Many people look back on the times that they volunteered in their youth with a lot of happiness

21. Neglecting your teeth.

In your adult life, you only have one set of teeth. Take care of them

22. Missing the chance to ask your grandparents questions before they die.

Take the time to ask the questions now. You will be amazed with what you are able to learn.

23. Working too much.

Nobody wishes they worked more while on their deathbed

24. Not learning how to cook one awesome meal.

If you only know how to cook one meal, make it the best meal of all time

25. Not stopping enough to appreciate the moment.

Take some time to stop and smell the roses

26. Failing to finish what you start.

Make sure that your dreams are realized

27. Never mastering one awesome party trick.

Party tricks may be cheesy but you should know at least one

28. Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations.

Sometimes it’s up to you

29. Refusing to let friendships run their course.

Allow friendships to run their course, regardless of the direction they go

30. Not playing with your kids enough.

Someday they will not want to play any longer

31. Never taking a big risk (especially in love).

Don’t be afraid to take that leap of faith

32. Not taking the time to develop contacts and network.

It may not seem like much when you’re young but when you’re older, it makes a difference

33. Worrying too much.

Most things you worry about never happen anyway

34. Getting caught up in needless drama.

Who needs it?

35. Not spending enough time with loved ones.

Our time with our loved ones is finite. Make it count.

36. Never performing in front of others.

This isn’t a regret for everyone, but many elderly people wish they knew – just once – what it was like to stand in front of a crowd and show off their talents.

37. Not being grateful sooner.

Via: Lesson Learned

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