10 Super Easy Ways to Tone Your Upper Arms

Summertime is almost upon us and with the summer comes plenty of exposed skin. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to be spending time at the beach in a bikini or not, it is likely that you would like to lose at least a little excess fat.

Many women suffer from problem with extra fat on the upper arms. Rather than making excuses as to why you can’t work on it, you can use one of these 10 easy exercises (or more than one) to actually do something about it. They take no time at all and before you know it, your arms will be super tone get ready for plenty of exposure.

1. Push-ups


This is the go to exercise for any exercise regime, simply because it works. It improves the muscle tone in your chest, abdomen and arms and even helps your posture. If you have trouble doing “real” push-ups, try resting your knees on the ground for starters.

2. Push-Ups Side Plank


This variation of the push-up is the perfect exercise for your arms without having it focus on your chest or abdominal muscles. When you do a push-up, rotate your body outward and hold yourself up on one arm while reaching for the sky with the other.

3. Dips


You can do this one outdoors or indoors, wherever you have support available. Lower yourself down and then push yourself back up again without moving your legs.

4. Bent over row


If you go to the gym, the bent over row is a must for strengthening and toning your upper arms. Make sure that your form is right and this exercise is awesome.

5. Triceps extension


While holding a weight, lift it up by stretching your arms above your head. Try to keep your elbows in. Focus on form to make this exercise work for you.

6. Triceps Kickback


With a slightly bent back, hold the weights close to your chest with your arms bent then stretch them backwards in a controlled motion.

7. Upside down namaste


This type of stretch can be challenging. Put your hands together behind your head and if possible, have your palms touch completely. Try to bring your joined hands further downward behind your head but don’t stretch so far that you hurt yourself.

8. Arm rotation


Simple but effective, stretch your arms out to your sides and rotate them in small circles. Make sure you go both directions.

9. Scissors


Start with your arms stretched out to the side and then bring them together, one arm over another. Then do it the other way around. Start with empty hands if necessary and work your way up to using weights.

10. Cobra pose


This yoga pose is excellent for strengthening your muscles and getting rid of excess fat. For your upper arms, the cobra pose is the best possible choice. You hold most of your weight with your arms, just make sure that you do this in a controlled way and don’t forget to breathe.

Via: Remedy Daily

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