8 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric

Many of us are at least somewhat familiar with tumeric. It is the yellow spice that is popular in many Indian curry dishes and more than likely, we have some in our kitchen cupboard that doesn’t get used very often. What many people don’t know, is there are more uses for this wonderful spice than putting it on your food.

According to some estimations, turmeric has been used for more than 4500 years for its medicinal purposes. Not only does it have anti-inflammatory properties, it is able to treat problems such as constipation, wounds, bruises and even more serious issues such as shingles and smallpox.

Although it is true that turmeric is delicious when it is used in food in the proper measure, it can also be used as a topical treatment for its healing purposes. Here are our 8 favorite ways to do so.


1. Heal Cuts and Wounds – The active ingredient in turmeric is a very powerful anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial agent. When used on an open wound, it can help to avoid bacterial infection. Applied directly to minor cuts, scrapes and wounds, it may just work wonders. You can mix it with ginger paste or linseed oil to help reduce pain.

2. Facial Skin Treatment – When you mix 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder with 1/4 teaspoon neem oil, it makes a powerful, organic facial cleanser. If you don’t have any neem oil available, you can substitute coconut or lavender oil. Use it as a facial mask to prevent acne breakouts and to help heal acne scars.

3. Inflammation – Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that can reduce swelling and inflammation. It has been used to treat a wide variety of inflammatory conditions, from Crohn’s disease to rheumatoid arthritis. You can make turmeric into a tea to enjoy its anti-inflammatory benefits.

4. Cancer – Turmeric may also provide anticancer benefits as well. Some studies have shown it may be effective at killing cancer cells or preventing others from growing. Some people make a topical ointment from turmeric and apply it to the skin, mouth or vulva for those benefits. You can make your own ointment by mixing turmeric powder with Vaseline and rubbing it on the cancerous area three times daily.

5. Psoriasis – The autoimmune disease known as psoriasis leads to patches of itchy, red and scaly skin. It is a painful, irritating issue with no known medical cure. Studies have found that 16 weeks of applying a gel made from turmeric and avoiding dairy products may help with this issue. Individuals who tried this treatment did not stop using their antibiotics or topical steroids.

6. Eczema – Another inflammatory skin disease, an individual with eczema may also benefit from using turmeric. Make a paste from a dash of turmeric and a spoonful of coconut oil. Apply it to the area daily and you should notice a difference within a few days.

7. Oral Hygiene – Would it surprise you to know that turmeric can also be used as a mouthwash to prevent gingivitis and plaque? To make your own mouthwash from turmeric, stir the powder into warm water. You can also make your own toothpaste from 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon mustard oil and 1/2 teaspoon salt.

8. Aging – Although it is impossible to turn back the hands of time, you may be able to reduce the visible effects of it through the use of turmeric. To make this unique skin polisher, mix 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour with 2 teaspoons milk and 1/4 teaspoon turmeric. Rub the mixture on your skin and allow it to dry for 10 minutes. Wipe the mask off with your fingertips and then rinse with warm water. The flour in this mixture will prevent the turmeric from staining your skin.

Via: Remedy Daily

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