2 Simple Ingredients to Clean Your Oven

The appliances in our home certainly can make our lives easier but at times, they can also make them difficult! That is especially the case when it comes to our oven, because we tend to bake a lot during the season from Thanksgiving through new year.

Although many of us consider our oven to be an out-of-the-way place, it typically becomes public knowledge during the holidays. After all, we may have people helping us to prepare Thanksgiving dinner or perhaps putting something in our oven to warm up for Christmas. At that point, any mess that is in the oven is no longer going to be hidden.


Most people just try to clean the oven with the self-cleaning mode, but you should prepare to be disappointed. Although it can help to get some of the bigger chunks from the surface, most people are unhappy with the overall performance. On the other end of the spectrum is scrubbing the dirt off with harmful chemicals and elbow grease, something that we would want to avoid as well!


Fortunately, there is an easy method that allows you to clean your oven in approximately 15-30 minutes. You can even go about cleaning the rest of the kitchen while the natural cleanser in this method is doing the majority of the work for you!


The formula is extremely simple. You start with 1/4 cup of baking soda and mix it with enough water so that a paste is created. If it is too watery, add additional baking soda until it is the right consistency. At that point, spread the mixture over the inside of the oven, paying particular attention to the door and the glass because that is where most people will notice a problem.


After spreading the formula on the inside of the oven, wait for 15-30 minutes. You can even wait longer, just make sure that the majority of the residue has lifted from the surface. You will also notice that the paste, which started out white, is now a dingy brown color. Once that takes place, simply wipe away the paste and the dirt should come along with it!


You may see that there are a few spots remaining, and that is to be expected. Simply use a scouring sponge and go over the area lightly and the dirt should disappear like magic!

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