He Poured This on His Air Filter Now His Whole House Smells Fantastic

They say that first impressions are the most important, and the one way this can be experienced is when it comes to having people over to your house. You want to ensure that from the moment they walk into the house, they know that you care for it in the best way possible.

One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that your house smells fantastic at all times. In fact, the odor of the house is one of the first things that people notice so make sure yours is absolutely the best it can be.

There is a secret to making your house smell fantastic that you likely have never tried before. It doesn’t involve any type of harmful chemical deodorizer and more than likely, you already have some on a shelf in your kitchen. One thing is certain, once you try this little secret, you will never turn back to store-bought deodorizers again!

The secret ingredient? Vanilla extract!


The next time you change your furnace filter, or if you want to get started right away, just put a few drops of vanilla extract directly on the filter. The next time your furnace turns on, your home will absolutely fill with the scent of fresh baked goodness!

Although it is wonderful to have your house smelling like something delicious is baking at all times, there may also be a drawback to it as well. Don’t be surprised if using vanilla extract on your filter causes you to crave chocolate chip cookies or doughnuts!

Of course, you are not limited vanilla extract because there is a wide range of essential oils that can also serve the same purpose. You might want to try a citrus scent or perhaps lavender.

Some of the benefits, outside of the fact that it makes your house smell fantastic is that it does not use harmful chemicals and the scent lasts a very long time. In fact, you may find that you don’t even need to add any to the filter until it is time to change it again.

This is a somewhat old trick, but many people are unaware of it. If you want your house to smell great, there is nothing quite like the scent of fresh vanilla or any type of essential oil. Do it one time and you will never turn back to store-bought, chemical laced deodorizers again.

Via: NX2

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