These Signals Can Help You Recognize A Pending Heart Attack One Month In Advance

Heart attacks are the leading cause of death and they are near the top of the list in many areas of the world. A high paced way of living, including plenty of stress, junk food and extra weight around the middle is contributing to this problem.

There is no doubt that leading a healthier life can limit the dangers, and may put you out of the danger zone altogether. That would include eating a healthy diet, getting some exercise and trying to remove as much stress from your life as possible. It is also a good idea to know the symptoms of heart failure, because knowing them can help you to determine if you might have a heart attack up to a month in advance.


These are the symptoms you might experience a month before you have a heart attack. If you are experiencing any of these problems, consider it a huge red flag.


Fatigue – Since your arteries have narrowed prior to the time that you have a heart attack, less blood is circulating through your body that it used too. Your heart needs to work a whole lot harder to pump blood and it can leave you feeling worn out, drained and tired almost all of the time.

Shortness of Breath – Your lungs are also affected when your heart is not getting the blood it needs. This can lead to a lack of oxygen, experienced by you as a shortness of breath. If you have a difficulty breathing it is best to see a physician as soon as you can. Shortness of breath could signal the fact that a heart attack is looming.

Weakness – When you experience sudden weakness, it may be because the arteries are narrow and blood circulation is minimized. Since your muscles are not getting the oxygen they need, the weakness may be intensified and it may cause you to fall unexpectedly.

Cold Sweats and Dizziness – Poor circulation is also going to affect the brain as well. When your brain is not getting enough blood, it is lacking in oxygen and it could be a life-threatening situation. The first signs will usually be clamminess and dizziness. Make sure you don’t ignore them.

Chest Pressure – When the heart attack is approaching, you may experience some discomfort in your chest. It is important to recognize that not everybody is going to experience chest pressure or minor pain. For some people, however, the discomfort could gradually increase until the heart attack happens.

Cold and Flu Symptoms – When cold or flu symptoms appear out of nowhere, it could be because the heart attack is drawing closer. Many people report that they felt like they were catching a cold just days before the attack happened.

What to Do – If you or someone you know is experiencing any or all of these symptoms, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Early detection is the best way to prevent a heart attack.

References: Medicinenet,,

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