10 Cancer Symptoms Most People Will Ignore (but Shouldn’t)

Many of the issues we face on a regular basis may seem innocent enough on their own, but they could be a sign of something much more sinister happening within the body. For example, an individual who has a persistent cough may feel that it is just allergies or perhaps a lingering cough from a recent cold. If it continues to linger, however, your doctor may need to be consulted.

A study by the Cancer Research UK organization showed that more than 50% of adults have experienced serious problems that could be a sign of cancer yet fewer than 2% feel that it is cancer.

The fact of the matter is, there are many warning signs that could point to cancer. Here are 10, however, that should be considered a huge red flag and should never be ignored.


1. Persistent Coughing/Hoarseness – Although it is true that all of us have a couh from time to time, a constant cough should be a matter of concern. That is especially true if there is any blood associated with the cough. If you have a persistent cough, it should be evaluated for the possibility of lung cancer. A CT scan or x-ray can rule out that possibility.

2. Changes in Bowel Habits – Again, it may occur from time to time that your bowel habits will change but if the changes are persistent, you should consider the possibility of a problem. If the stools are deformed or appear to be larger than normal, it may be a sign of colon cancer. A colonoscopy should be scheduled if these symptoms appear.

3. Changes in Bladder Habits – Any sign of blood in the urine could be an issue with kidney or bladder cancer. More than likely, however, it is a sign of a urinary tract infection. The infection should be ruled out first and then other treatment options may need to be pursued.

4. Persistent pain – Not every type of pain is going to be a sign of cancer but if you have unexplained persistent pain, it should be checked. For example, it does not necessarily mean you have brain cancer if you have headaches but it is still something that should be checked.

5. Changing Moles – Moles do not always mean melanoma but if you see a new mark on your skin or if one is changing in shape, size or in any other way, you should see a dermatologist

6. Sores without Healing – Your body should heal itself fairly quickly when you experience an injury but if you have a sore that doesn’t heal by the three-week mark, your doctor should be notified.

7. Unusual Bleeding – Any type of vaginal bleeding outside of your normal menstrual cycle could be a sign of cervical cancer. Bleeding from the rectum could indicate colon cancer.

8. Weight loss – If you are trying to lose weight and are succeeding, congratulations! If you are losing weight quickly for no apparent reason, however, it could be a medical problem that requires your doctor’s attention.

9. Lump – If any type of lump is changing or if a new lump should happen to appear on your body, your doctor should be notified as soon as possible. More than likely it is a benign cyst, but it could also be cancer.

10. Difficulty Swallowing – Both esophageal or neck cancer could be behind this particular symptom. If you are having a persistent problem with swallowing, let your doctor know right away.

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