11 Ways to Use a Hairdryer That Don’t Involve Your Hair

Household gadgets are rather amazing and in many cases, we will use them for their intended use and no other. That is the case with the hairdryer, and most of us use them solely for the purpose of drying our hair when it is wet. The fact of the matter is, however, hairdryers offer so much more!

The following 11 ways that hairdryers can be used do not involve hair but they do involve many household chores. Once you see how many different ways a hairdryer can be used, you may never go anywhere without one again.

1. Sticker Removal – When a sticker ends up in the wrong place, use the hot air from a hairdryer to loosen it and make removal easy.


2. Customize Glasses – Who says you need to spend an arm and a leg on custom plastic frames? Heat the frame with your hairdryer and mould them in any shape you need!


3. Wax Removal – It can be difficult to get candle wax off of furniture but if you heat it up again with a hairdryer, it starts to melt and wipes away easily.


4. Gloss Your Frosting – Give your cakes and cupcakes a professional look by heating the frosting with a hairdryer. Make sure you heat it on low!


5. Dry Clothing – When you spill something on your favorite shirt or pants, remove them, hang them over a shower rod and dry them with a hairdryer.


6. Steamy Mirror – After a hot shower, remove the steam from a mirror quickly and easily with your hairdryer.


7. Dust Removal – It can be difficult to remove dust from small areas in the home but a hairdryer can blow the dust away.


8. Heat Your Compress – One of the problems with using a hot compress is that it can cool off quickly. Keep it hot by using a hairdryer without removing the compress from your injury. Don’t forget your spray bottle with water to keep it moist.


9. Crayon Marks – When crayons go where they shouldn’t go, you can remove it just as easy as you can remove candle wax by heating it up with a hairdryer and wiping it away.


10. Wet Boots – In the winter, it is impossible to keep your boots from getting wet but if you use a hairdryer, they don’t have to stay wet!


11. Winter Windows – Have your windows frozen shut? Thaw them out with your hairdryer and the problem will be solved.


Via: Instructables

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