10 Warning Signs Your Body Needs Water Right Away

Did you know that the body is made up of mostly water? As a matter of fact, it is something that we need for our life. If we don’t drink water for 72 hours we could die. It is in the world all around us, and comes in many forms but unfortunately, it is something that many of us lack.

It isn’t a matter of not having access to water for most of us, it is a matter of ignoring the warning signs of dehydration. After you read this primer, you will understand 10 of those warning signs and you will not go without water again.

Every cell in the human body depends on water and it provides the following benefits:

It balances the body fluids.
It regulates and maintains body temperature.
It promotes the elimination of waste products and toxins.
It promotes digestion.
It controls calorie intake.
It keeps your skin hydrated and youthful.
It offers protection for your tissues, spinal cord and joints.
It lubricates your joints and eyes.


Dehydration can cause a number of issues, including some serious problems that would affect your health negatively. We need to consume water throughout the day to stay hydrated and at times, we may even need to up our water intake.

Dehydration occurs more quickly in certain situations, such as if we have diarrhea, vomiting or if we are involved in hard physical activity. As you become dehydrated, your electrolytes get out of balance, which commonly leads to these following 10 symptoms. Don’t ignore them, it can mean your health and maybe even your life.

1. Accelerated heartbeat

Drinking enough water can affect your heart rate. More specifically, a lack of water decreases your plasma levels and accelerates heart rate.

Heart palpitations can also occur due to the extra stress on our body when we are out of balance due to dehydration. It can also lead to a certain level of fear or panic, accelerating the heart rate even further.

Sip water slowly when you experience these symptoms. If they don’t improve, see a doctor.


2. Halitosis and dry mouth

A lack of water means that you are going to have less saliva. Saliva has natural antibacterial properties, so the buildup of bacteria could lead to bad breath.

3. Food cravings

Believe it or not, your body often can mistake hunger for thirst. This is one of the first things you often learn when you are trying to lose weight, that drinking a glass of water will often help to curb your appetite.

In particular, dehydration could lead to craving salty foods because of a lack of electrolytes. When that is the case, a sports drink or a pinch of salt under the tongue before drinking a glass of water can help.

4. Muscle pain

When you lack water in your body, friction can increase between the bones and lead to joint pain. After all, our cartilage and joints are made up of 80% water.

If we are hydrated properly, our joints are able to handle physical activity much easier. It may also result in fewer spasms and cramps.


5. Headaches or dizziness

Less water around the brain means that you may experience dizziness and perhaps even migraines. Other types of headaches may also be a problem due to a lack of oxygen and blood near the brain because of dehydration.

6. Digestive problems

Your body relies on water for proper digestion and constipation will often result when you are dehydrated.

Incidentally, your body seeks out water when you are dehydrated and it may squeeze it out of the matter that is traveling through your colon. Think of that the next time you ignore a thirsty sensation.

7. Fatigue

Drinking enough water helps you to be energetic and keeps you alert. Dehydration, on the other hand, can lead to fatigue and lethargy. In part, this is due to a drop in blood pressure and lack of oxygen.


8. Urination

A primary key that you are dehydrated is if your urine is darker in color. Unfortunately, when you have darker colored urine, it typically means that you are already dehydrated. In addition, you should be urinating frequently, up to seven times a day if you are hydrated properly.

9. Dry lips or skin

Water helps to keep the skin elastic, so when you are dehydrated, your skin becomes dry. This is especially true in the lips, although it can appear on any part of the skin if you are chronically dehydrated.

Psoriasis, eczema and acne may also be signs that you are dehydrated and your skin is having a difficulty dumping toxins.

10. Brain fog

Aside from the fact that you may get headaches from being dehydrated, it may also affect your mood, memory and even your ability to make decisions. Staying hydrated helps you to stay mentally alert.


Preventing Dehydration

There is a simple way to prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water during the day. It is best if you sip room temperature water and aim for at least 10 cups on a daily basis. Some people may even require more, so don’t be concerned about drinking up to half of your body weight in ounces of water.

Be sure that you carry a water bottle with you and drink a full glass of water at each meal. You should also drink a large glass of water early in the evening and then stop for the night or you may end up getting up through the night to urinate.

H/T: Healthy Food House

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