11 Habits That Will Rev-Up Your Metabolism

There are certain systems within the human body that help us to stay healthy and maintain a sense of balance. One of those systems that many people talk about is the metabolism, particularly when they are trying to lose weight. Boosting the metabolism can have a positive effect on your weight loss efforts but there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.

If you really want to rev up your metabolism and put your weight loss and health at the next level, the following 11 suggestions are going to make a difference in your life.

Schedule Your Meals


Our body expects to be fed at a certain time and it will use the energy it has by that time. If you eat irregularly, your body is going to store more energy in the form of fat. It is suggested that you eat every 3 to 4 hours to boost your metabolism.

Drink More Liquids


Perhaps the easiest way to raise the metabolism is to drink more water. When you are dehydrated, you burn fewer calories. In addition, your liver holds on to water supplies and doesn’t pay a lot of attention to burning fat. If you have a difficulty drinking water, try drinking green tea.



The nutrients contained in dairy help to build muscle and burn fat. Calcium, for example, can help to boost your metabolism significantly.



If you want to boost your metabolism significantly, try moving around more frequently. Get started with an exercise program, regardless of whether it is walking around the block or going to a gym. The more activity you have in your life, the higher your metabolism will be.

Waking up early


Did you realize that sunlight can have an impact on your metabolism? When you wake up with the morning sun, it helps your body to regulate biological processes that depend on the day and night cycle.



Many diets will reduce carbohydrates or perhaps cut them out altogether, but that can crush your metabolism. It can also have an effect on your brain activity.

Stop Snacking


If you love snacks, you might not be doing your metabolism any favors. When we eat, our body will use the energy gradually over the next few hours but when we snack in-between meals, it makes it difficult for our body to burn fat.

Iodized Salt


If you eat a lot of sea salt and avoid iodized salt, you may be in short supply of iodine. Low iodine can affect your thyroid and impact your metabolism.



The additives that may be included with non-organic products can have a negative impact on your metabolism. They can include anything from mineral fertilizers to pesticides and growth hormones!



If you are deficient in iron, it seems that your cells are lacking oxygen and that can lower your metabolism.



If you have a difficulty coping with stress, it may also have an impact on your metabolism as well. When we are stressed out, our thyroid slows down and that can lead to weight gain.

Via: Bright Side

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