11 Signs Your Unhealthy Body Is Giving You That You Probably Ignore

What is your definition of being unhealthy? For many people, it’s carrying around too much weight or perhaps having a serious issue, such as a stroke, heart attack or being diagnosed with cancer. Although it is true that those problems are serious, your body may be giving you signals that can help you to determine there is a problem before it becomes a huge issue.

Unfortunately, many of us tend to ignore these warning signs and we do so to our detriment. After all, they may be somewhat subtle and we may consider them to be a part of everyday life. When our body speaks to us, even if it is whispering, make sure you are listening. You want to catch it while it’s a whisper before your body starts screaming.

The following are 11 different ways your body may be warning you something is wrong.

1. Poor Sleeping Habits


Although this may be a problem that is self-inflicted, it could also be our body’s way of telling us that some problem is looming. If you have insomnia, it may be due to high cortisol levels at night, resulting in a fight or flight stress response. When you deal with too much stress on an ongoing basis, it weakens your body and makes it easier for you to get sick.

To correct the problem, reduce your cortisol levels.

2. You are Shrinking


If you get measured regularly at the doctor, you may reach an age where you begin to notice that the numbers are getting smaller. This can be quite disconcerting, and there may be a hidden problem that needs your attention.

As we get older, our bones may begin to degenerate due to osteoporosis. If we don’t take measures to correct the issue, we could be living with an increased risk for hip fracture or a humpback. Protecting the bones may be a matter of getting additional calcium or vitamin D in our diet and doing some weight-bearing exercises.

3. Apple Shape


Typically, people either carry their extra weight around the waist and belly or they carry it around the hips and thighs. Being overweight is generally a signal given by your body that you are unhealthy but if you are carrying your weight around the midsection, you are at a higher risk for heart attack.

4. Frequently Tired


Most of us consider the fact that we are tired throughout the day as being a sign that we live a busy life. It may also be a sign, however, that we are having a difficulty with our adrenal glands or our thyroid. Having too many toxins in the body can also wear us down as it tries to avoid toxic overload.

Stress is also a common problem that can lead to daytime tiredness as well. As our natural self-repair mechanisms try to protect us from problems that range from infection to cancer, it can wear us down and we may feel tired as a result. Don’t overlook this signal, it could be a lifesaver.

5. Dark Yellow Urine


If you want to stay healthy, you must stay hydrated. If your urine is not almost completely clear, and you’re seeing a lot of yellow in the toilet when you pee, it likely means you’re not getting enough fluids. Most people get their fluids in the form of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages but they can dehydrate you even further. To hydrate properly, stick to coconut water, green tea or good old water.

6. Snoring


Snoring is not only annoying for those around you, it could be a signal that you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea goes far beyond snoring as it obstructs the airways while you are sleeping and increases your risk for problems such as high blood pressure and even heart attack!

7. Anxiety


Anxiety may be a natural part of life but it could also be due to a wide range of problems in the body. For some individuals, anxiety could be a result of hormonal imbalances, tumors on the adrenal glands and hyperthyroidism. Getting to the bottom of why you’re anxious can help you in many areas of life.

8. Daily BMs


Most people consider it to be healthy to have one BM per day or perhaps every other day, but that is far from healthy. Think of what happens when a newborn baby eats a meal, they poop! Healthy bowels move every time you have a meal, and if you are not pooping regularly, you are full of… well, you know.

Being constipated is more than a passing problem. If the feces remains in your system, toxins can seep through the bowel lining and enter the bloodstream. This can lead to inflammation and more problems than you can shake a stick at.

9. Itchy


Itchiness can because by many problems, including skin disorders and allergies. If you tend to be itchy all the time, however, your body may be giving you a signal that you have liver disease.

10. You Get Sick, A Lot!


When the newest cold or flu is making its rounds, everyone is going to be exposed to the germs. If you’re healthy, you will be able to fight off the majority of those illnesses but if you tend to catch every cold that comes your way, you may be having a problem with your immune system. This is not only going to cause a problem with colds and flu, it also puts you at risk for more serious diseases, including cancer.

11. Cracked Lips


Cheilitis is the medical term for cracked lips and it can signal various vitamin deficiencies, including B12. Overcoming this problem is fairly easy, as you can take a B12 supplement or get it through your diet.

Bonus Item

12. Your Skin Is Breaking out


Your skin is more than a covering for the body, it is a living organ and one of its primary functions is detoxification. When you have a lot of toxins in your system, your skin may break out frequently as it tries to remove those toxins through your pores. Leading a healthier lifestyle may just mean healthier skin.

Via: Mindbodygreen

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