9 Houseplants That are Hard To Kill and will Keep Your Air Clean

Which you think is more polluted, indoor air or outdoor air? According to the EPA, indoor air is going to be worse than outdoor air 100% of the time. This is due to the stagnant indoor air that collects pollutants as those harmful chemicals begin to build up inside of the home and to make us sick.

There is no denying that a house is going to emit some toxic chemicals on its own, such as formaldehyde. There may also be a wide variety of pollutants in the home as well, such as mold, bacteria, pollen, dust and outdoor contaminants that work their way inside. In addition, homes are built so tightly that the exchange of air between inside and outside is practically nil.

Fortunately, houseplants provide the opportunity to clean the air indoors and to do so naturally. If you avoid houseplants because you feel you don’t have a “green thumb,” you will appreciate these nine plants that clean the air and are practically impossible to kill.

1. Garden Mum


NASA used this plant because of its air purification tendencies, and it can truly make a difference in the quality of your indoor environment. Some of the chemicals that are removed from the air by this plant include formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and xylene. Not only is it a pretty plant, it is relatively inexpensive and quite hardy.

2. Spider Plant


These plants are very easy to grow and are perfect for the beginner. It works well with indirect light and the flowers that grow out on the shoots of the plant will eventually become their own plant.

3. Dracaena


With over 40 different varieties of Dracaena plants to choose from, you are certain to find one that is perfect for your home. Like the garden mum, these plants remove formaldehyde, benzene and xylene from the air. They also remove trichloroethylene. If you have dogs or cats, you may want to choose another plant because they are toxic if eaten.

4. Ficus


If you have room for them, ficus trees are an excellent choice. They can grow quite tall and during the spring and summer months, when the windows of the home can be open, you can keep them outside. A potted ficus tree could easily grow up to 10 feet tall but the air cleaning ability of this plant is amazing.

5. Peace Lilly


This plant is full of beautiful flowers and is virtually impossible to kill. The flowers tend to grow in the summer months and you can easily grow this plant in a shady spot of the home. It will do its job removing formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and trichloroethylene from your indoor environment.

6. Boston Fern


Indirect light, high humidity and a cool location in the home are preferred by the Boston Fern. In fact, you may find that the bathroom is the best place for this plant and it will remove formaldehyde and xylene, along with other chemicals from the air.

7. Snake Plant


More than likely, you have seen snake plants in offices and other public areas frequently, because they are very hard to kill. They also prefer drier soil so if you forget to water them from time to time, it isn’t going to be a problem. Just put them in an area with a little bit of indirect sunlight and they will do their job removing formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and benzene from your indoor air.

8. Bamboo Palm


Formaldehyde is quickly removed from the air when you have this plant in your home. It is the perfect addition for new construction. Full sun, bright light and lots of room (they grow up to 12 feet tall) make this an impressive indoor plant. Along with formaldehyde, they can remove benzene and trichloroethylene from the air.

9. Aloe Vera


This multi-use plant is a must-have for any home. You can eat it for health purposes, put the sap on a burn to relieve the pain and it will clean your air at the same time.

Along with opening the window from time to time, having plants in your home can make a difference in your air quality. These plants are preferred, not only because they remove pollutants from the air but because they are quite difficult to kill.

Via: Simple Organic Life

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