7 Astounding Health Benefits From Farting

We live in a time when it seems as if “anything goes” and it doesn’t matter what you are discussing, it is perfectly fine to discuss it. That is especially true when it comes to natural things with the human body, and everything is normal in the eyes of society.

That is even true when it comes to today’s subject, that of flatulence. That’s right, I’m talking about breaking wind, passing gas or, as most people say, farting.

Everybody farts, but some people try to hide the fact that they do it. Once you understand what is behind it, you will know that there are benefits to doing it. You will never need to fart in shame again.

Passing gas is a natural function of the human body. It is a part of digesting food, as gas is produced as a byproduct of digestion. Everybody farts, whether they admit it or not.

Benefit 1: No Bloating


Being bloated after a big meal can be uncomfortable but passing gas can help to relieve the bloating.

Benefit 2: Colon Health


There is nothing wrong with holding your flatulence when the situation calls for it by if you hold it regularly, it could lead to colon problems.

Benefit 3: Early Warning System


If you notice a change in flatulence frequency, extreme smells or gas pains, it may be an early warning of medical issues.

Benefit 4: The Odor


One of the smells in flatulence comes from hydrogen sulfide. That smell may actually keep us from getting sick.

Benefit 5: Balance


Paying attention to your flatulence can help you to identify problems in your diet and make needed adjustments.

Benefit 6: Bacteria


Passing gas regularly means that you have a healthy digestive system, including healthy gut bacteria.

Benefit 7: Relief


When you have the opportunity to pass gas after holding it, it feels great!

Via: Little Things

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