People Don’t Talk To Themselves Because They Are Crazy. They Do It Because They Are Geniuses

Have you ever caught yourself having a conversation and nobody else was around? It can be embarrassing under certain circumstances but in some cases, we may be totally alone and we just want to talk to ourselves. It may bring about fears that we are going crazy, but it turns out that you have no reason to worry.

If you are thinking that only crazy people talk to themselves, it is because you have listened to what the majority of people are saying. Society has certainly made it seem like a negative factor, but as it turns out, talking to yourself is a sign of genius. Studies show that individuals who speak to themselves are able to learn more quickly, boost their long-term memory and think more efficiently.


One of those studies was printed in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, and they found that verbal stimulation altered ongoing perceptual processing. In layman’s terms, individuals who speak to themselves, especially when repeating the name of an object, were better able to find the object if they searched for it.

A number of experts have done additional research to see how talking to yourself helps. There are 4 ways, all backed by science.


1. Your brain works more efficiently

In an experiment done by Live Science, test subjects that repeated objects not only found them more easily, but had a better memory and enhanced memorization abilities. Speaking something out loud to yourself actually solidifies what you are doing and makes it easier for your body to understand.

2. As a child, you’ll learn better

Babies and toddlers need to hear their voices when growing up, as “self directed speech can help guide children’s behavior… often talking themselves step by step through tasks.” By talking aloud to yourself as a youngster, you can vocalize directions and become more adept at following them, or any other process.

3. It helps organise your thoughts

Talking to yourself helps validate important decisions, according to psychologist Linda Sapadin. By speaking out loud, you are vocally prioritizing tasks and de-cluttering your mind. Hearing your issue be vocalized also calms your nerves, instead of it bouncing around in your head.

4. You’ll achieve more goals

Repeating something out loud, especially your goals, will help reinforce your attention and focus, along with eliminate distractions. Walking yourself through the steps will make each one more individual and clear, as opposed to blending them all together. By saying it and hearing it, you mentally condition your brain to put more effort into achieving it.

Via: Shareably

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