9 Things You Should Do with Aloe Vera before You Use It

If you spend any time looking at the ingredients on beauty products, you are going to see aloe vera listed on the label. It is perhaps one of the most used ingredients in those products, but you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg to enjoy what it has to offer.

Quite simply, all you need to do is an easy procedure and before you know it, the quality of your skin will be amazingly different. That was the experience of this woman, who rubbed aloe Vera on her face every day for a week. After the seventh day, she noticed an incredible improvement with her skin becoming soft and glowing.

This method may be easy, but don’t underestimate its power. That isn’t all you can do with this wonderful plant, here are 9 things to do with aloe vera so you can have healthy skin.

1. Wash the Plant – Before you use an aloe vera plant, wash it thoroughly and clean the leaves.

2. Soften – Before you use the aloe Vera leaves, gently thump on them to soften them.

3. Save Half – When you don’t need the entire leaf, cut it in half or into even smaller portions. Only use what you need and store the rest.

4. Cut the Edges – Make sure you cut the edges of the leaf first and then it will be much easier to peel it.

5. Split the Leaf – You can open the leaf with your hands or, you can use a knife to split the center.

6. Extract Choose – You can use a spoon to extract the juice from the leaf. In this way, you only have to take what you need.

7. Rub It on – After rubbing the aloe Vera on your face, use the leaf to massage the face. Allow the juice to stay on the skin for 20 minutes before you dry.

8. Rinse – If you are someone who loves an aloe vera mask, you will love this suggestion. After using a mask, clean your face with clean, clear water. Don’t use chemical products that come in so or any other item on the countertop. It could reduce the effectiveness of aloe vera.

9. Healthy Skin – After going through all of this, use a clean towel to dry your face and the problems will go away.

Via: Healthy Food House

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