Easy Exercise to Remove Stubborn Belly and Back Fat

At times, the solution to a problem is so simple, we tend to overlook it. That is the case when it comes to stubborn belly and back fat. We may have tried dozens of different diets and exercise programs, all of which left us disappointed. What if I was to tell you, however, that you could transform your body in only four minutes if you did it every day for a month?

This 28 day plank challenge is the ultimate answer to stubborn belly and back fat. You start out slowly and build up over the course of the month, so it is an easy process. The best news of all, however, is the fact that it works like gangbusters and you won’t believe how much of a difference you will see after the 28 days is over.


The Plank Challenge

This challenge needs to be completed in 4 weeks but you can continue to do it to see additional benefits from it. It works on your strength, endurance and of course, it transforms your body in an amazing way.

Here is the timing for holding the plank position:

The FIRST TWO DAYS-20 seconds. The THIRD AND FOURTH DAY-30 seconds.
On DAY 4-30 seconds, and on the FIFTH DAY-40 seconds. You will REST on DAY 6.
On the SEVENTH AND EIGHTH DAYS-45 seconds; DAYS 9-11 hold for 60 seconds.
On the TWELFTH DAY-90 seconds. DAY 13 will be a REST day.
Resume on the FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH DAY for 90 seconds; DAYS 16 and 17-120 seconds.
On the EIGHTEENTH DAY-150 seconds and REST again on DAY 19.
DAYS 20 & 21-hold for 150 seconds; the TWENTY-SECOND & TWENTY-THIRD DAYS-180 seconds.
DAY 24-hold for 210 seconds. REST on DAY 25. On the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY-210 seconds.
DAY 27-hold for 240 seconds and on the FINAL DAY 28-hold the plank position AS LONG AS YOU CAN.

You might be wondering how such a simplistic exercise can make such a difference in your physique. It is because the plank is a full body workout, rather than a workout that focuses on one particular part of the body.

Watch the tutorial below and you will see how the plank position is done properly so that you can tone your abdominal muscles, improve your posture, balance and stability. The plank also works on your shoulder muscles and back and it can increase flexibility as well. Incorporate this into your life today and the clear for everyone to see.

Via: Sun Gazing

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