How to Clear Your Nose with Garlic

When the winter rolls around, many of us look forward to the first snowfall, spending time baking and snow days. What we don’t look forward to is the onset of cold and flu season! After all, it can cause so much discomfort, including a stuffy nose that just won’t allow us to breathe freely.

Not only is a blocked nose annoying, it can make us feel awkward in social situations as well. Regardless of the problems it causes, it is often misunderstood. Most people think that it is caused by too much mucus but it is actually caused by blood vessels in the sinuses when they become inflamed.


Fortunately, there is an easy solution. You will need 5 garlic cloves, a pot of water and a large towel


Heat the pot of water and once it is boiling, crush the garlic cloves. The easiest way to do it is to crush them with a large knife. Remove the skin and put the cloves into the water. Turn off the heat.

Place your head over the pot of water, being careful that the steam does not burn you. Typically, a distance of 2 or 4 inches will do. Cover your head with the towel to keep the steam focused.

Breath deeply, taking long and slow breathes for a few minutes.


The reason why this works is because of a chemical in garlic, allicin. When you breathe allicin into your sinuses it helps to thin the mucous that is blocking the airways.


(Images: Thrivewire, Wisegeekhealth, Homeremidescare, zliving)

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