A Mother’s Simple Trick to Stop Pacifier Use in Only 5 Days

Parents around the world use pacifiers in their home to benefit the children. As the name would suggest, it helps to pacify the child, especially if they tend to be fussy. Not all children use pacifiers but if they do, it certainly can be difficult to wean them off of those small items. That is, of course, until now.

This brilliantly simple method comes from a pediatric dentist who also happens to be a mother of four children. She has come up with a way to stop children from using pacifiers within a few days and to do so without the struggle that far too many parents go through.

One of the reasons why this dentist/mother came up with this method is because she knew how dangerous pacifiers could be. It’s not only that they could be a choking hazard, as a dentist, she also knew that long-term teeth problems could occur if a child was not weaned off of pacifiers at a young age.


Like many parents, she tried for a while to get her children to stop using a pacifier and found to be quite difficult. It caused a lot of sleepless nights, not only for their daughter but for her and her husband as well.

Since there was not currently such a product on the market, she came up with one herself. She developed what is known as the Lily Method, which makes use of 5 different color coded pacifiers that gradually get smaller.

She try the method on her oldest daughter and swore that she was able to get all of her children completely off of pacifiers and only 5 days. In her words:

“By the last daughter, she was off at step three. It became a non-issue in our house. Potty training became more difficult.”

Her method is so brilliant that she was featured in Parent magazine and she also won the Edison award for her ingenuity. She wants moms and dads around the world to know that she is not against using pacifiers but when it comes time to stop their use, her method may just make it quite easy to do so.

Via: NX2

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