Studies Show That Women Need More Rest. The Reason? Because Their Brains Work Harder!

You don’t need to talk to many women to learn that they have a full plate in many cases. Between organizing a household and getting it ready for the day in the morning and keeping everything on track until bedtime at night, it can be quite a lot of work. Many women claim to be multitaskers, and that is a talent that is not often shared by men.

A recent study done at the Loughborough University in the UK showed that when you use your brain more during the day, it needs to rest more when you sleep at night.

According to the research, the female brain works in complex ways because of the tendency to multitask. That is why a woman would require more sleep than a man.

“Women’s brains are more complex than men’s, so their sleep need is slightly greater,” said Professor Jim Horne, the study’s author.


On average, an adult deeds anywhere from 6-8 hours of sleep every day to recover from fatigue and exhaustion. When comparing men and women, women need an average of 20 minutes more sleep than men in order to get the same benefits from the repair of the brain and to wake up refreshed.

In addition, not getting enough rest had a worse effect on the health of women than it did on men. Those negative effects could include serious problems, such as diabetes, cardiovascular issues, stress, depression and anxiety. Dreams of women tend to become lighter as the night progresses and it is more likely for them to wake than men because they are sensitive to high-pitched noises.

The bottom line is that women should get an extra 20 minutes of sleep and good rest every day. It will help them to be cheerful and refreshed so that they can take on everything that life has to offer.

Via: Bright Side

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