These Symptoms Could Be a Sign of Thyroid Problems

It is not unusual for our body to experience some rather strange sensations but for the most part, we tend to just shrug them off as being a part of life. A pain here, a twinge there or a cramp may come and go, but it is what our body is trying to tell us that should really make us stop and take notice.

One of the reasons why it is important to pay attention to what our body is telling us is because of a small gland in the area of the throat, the thyroid gland. The hormones produced in the thyroid gland are some of the most important in the body and it controls almost everything, from our metabolism to our heartbeat.

If we suddenly experience a problem with our thyroid hormone, it is typically going to do one of 2 things. Either it can slow down and stop producing enough thyroid hormone or it can speed up and produce too much.

Spotting the early warning signs of thyroid problems is one of the best things you can do to get the proper treatment. Here are some of those warning signs to watch out for in your life.

Introducing the Thyroid Gland


The thyroid is a small gland located in the front of the neck. It is shaped like a butterfly and in the photograph above, it is highlighted in red.

Hypothyroidism is an issue when the thyroid becomes underactive and is not producing enough thyroid hormone.

Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, is when the thyroid gland is overactive and produces too much thyroid hormone.

1. Symptom: Depression


Both an overactive and an underactive thyroid gland can alter your mood significantly. According to the Mayo Clinic, when your thyroid gland is producing too little thyroid hormone it can also affect serotonin in the brain. That is why one of the initial signs of hypothyroidism is depression.

If you’re suffering from hyperthyroidism, it can make you feel restless, irritable and anxious.

2. Symptom: Constipation


Most of us suffer from constipation on occasion but if you have constipation and it just won’t go away, it could be a sign of a disruption in thyroid hormone production. Since thyroid hormone is responsible for regulating your digestive process, a lack of thyroid hormone will slow down your digestion.

3. Symptom: Sleeping Too Much


Dr. Robin Miller, integrative medicine specialist, says that being unable to get out of bed in the morning can be a “wake-up call” that something is wrong with the thyroid. This is due to the fact that a lack of thyroid hormone can slow down many of the bodily functions and make you feel sleepy throughout the day.

4. Dry Skin/Hair Loss


Dry skin is not unusual in the winter but for someone with hypothyroidism, it may be a problem in your room. Since the metabolism is slowing down, sweating is reduced and dry skin may be a problem.

Your nails and hair may also feel brittle and dry as well. For some individuals, a lack of thyroid hormone can even make their hair fall out. That is due to the fact that the hormone is responsible for your hair growth cycle so a lack of thyroid hormone can lead to hair loss, including the eyebrows.

Dr. Miller says that many people who come to see her say that their hairdresser sent them. Thankfully, many individuals at hair salons are aware that hair loss is a sign of hypothyroidism.

5. Symptom: Weight Gain


There are many things that can cause weight gain but sudden, unexplained weight gain with no changes in your physical or dietary habits is a cause for concern.

Dr. Miller claims that more people show up at her office because of weight gain than for any other reason. They exercise and diet but nothing seems to help. It is almost always a problem with hypothyroidism.

6. Symptom: Low Libido


A reduction in your thyroid hormone levels could reduce your interest in sex as well. In addition, some of the other symptoms of thyroid issues, such as weight gain or body aches could reduce your libido as well.

7. Symptom: Muscle Pain


Pain is a signal our body gives us that it is hurt or suffering in some way or another. In most cases, pain is normal and we can often attribute it to something specific, such as getting a cut or exercising too much.

A problem with your thyroid hormone levels could cause mysterious numbness or tightening in your extremities, and they tend to happen at random.

According to Dr. Miller, these issues occur because low thyroid hormone levels damage the nerves that send signals to your brain.

8. Symptom: Heart Flutters


Since the thyroid is responsible for regulating our heartbeat, a disruption in thyroid hormones can make it feel as if your heart is skipping a beat. This may be felt in your chest or it could even be felt at your pulse points.

9. Symptoms: Fuzzy Head


It is not uncommon to experience some brain fog as we get older but if it suddenly becomes a problem, it could be an issue with your thyroid.

If you have hypothyroidism, it might cause forgetfulness but hyperthyroidism could make it difficult to concentrate.

10. Symptom: Hypertension


High blood pressure may sometimes be treatable without medication but if you have high blood pressure and diet or exercise is not lowering your numbers, it may be time to have your thyroid checked.

11. Symptom: Increased Appetite


Your sense of taste can be affected when you have a disruption in your thyroid hormone levels. Hyperthyroidism can often lead to overeating but the excess thyroid hormone will balance out the additional calories.

12. Symptom: Throat or Neck Discomfort


One other symptom to be aware of is the possibility that you could be experiencing physical discomfort in the area of your thyroid. This may also be accompanied by a lump in the throat or a goiter.

If you have any of these sensations, check your throat in the mirror to see if there is any noticeable swelling. You can also take a drink of water and swallow with your head tilted backward. While looking in a handheld mirror, see if there any bulges in the area of the thyroid when you swallow.

Above all, make sure you have your thyroid checked by a professional if you are experiencing any of these problems.

Via: Littlethings

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