6 Things A Sociopath or Narcissist Will Say To Make You Feel Crazy

We have to rub shoulders with other people every day. Some of those people are acquaintances, others work their way deeper into our lives. More than likely, you know someone who is not quite who they seem to be, and they might fit into this description.

If there is a sociopath in your life, they are going to be the ones who deceive you and influence you, sometimes without you even knowing it. They may rarely speak the truth but even when they are lying, they make it seem believable.

Narcissists tend to disregard other people’s feelings and if they have any criticism coming their way, the just can’t handle it. They need admiration and have a sense of entitlement.

Most of these types of relationships may seem innocent at first, but before long, they use their skills to manipulate us. They prey on everyone in their lives, including family and friends.

You have likely come across at least one of these people before.

You can sometimes spot them by the common phrases they use. These are the phrases that make you feel as if you are the one who is crazy.

You’re so Sensitive – These people tend to manufacture emotions in others. They will lay it on thick at first but then will ignore you for days. Basically, they are looking for a reaction. When you do finally react, they claim you are being too sensitive. They tend to criticize and belittle, but they do it in a joking manner. Your buttons will be pushed until you say something, then they pounce and make it seem like you are the one with a problem.

You’re just crazy, jealous, or (fill in the blank) – When things start to go south in the relationship, they will resort to name calling. They feel that knocking you down a peg or two justifies their own behavior.

You’re over-analyzing everything – It may be that we read too much into things at times, but a sociopath or narcissist will do things to make you feel paranoid. This is done as a smoke and mirrors act, because they want you to feel that you are the problem. They will then turn around and blame you for being anxious.

Via: Earthables

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