10 Ways Your Cat Is Showing You Love

As a cat owner, you probably wish that they would be able to speak out loud to you and let you know exactly how they feel. The fact the matter is, however, they are speaking to you, you just need to learn what they are saying.

Of course, many of us can discern what our cat wants by what they are doing. For example, when they are hungry, they might meow but if they just want you to scratch them behind the ears, they may paw at your leg. There are also many other ways that your cat is talking to you and the following 10 are ways that your cat is telling you that they love you.

1. Kneading Your Legs


When your cat uses their paws to push on a soft surface, such as your lap, it is their way of trying to say they love you. Unfortunately, the more they are trying to show their affection in this way, the more painful it can be. It is recommended that you place a soft barrier between your cat and your lap if it becomes a problem.


2. Bringing You a Present


Many of us may be alarmed when our cat brings us a small dead animal, but it is actually their way of showing affection. Just like we may give somebody we love something nice, a cat will bring you something as well.

3. Headbutting


According to Mother Nature Network, cats have secret glands located on their head. When they press their head against you it means that they are marking you with their scent.

4. Staring into Your Eyes


Your cat may to show affection by staring into your eyes blinking slowly. In fact, some experts feel that this is an extreme sign of affection and it is the equivalent of your cat kissing you.

5. Showing You Their Belly


When your cat flashes you a peek at their belly, this is another way of them saying that they love and trust you. Many animals do not like to show their stomachs because it is a defenseless position. When your cat shows you their stomach, it is a sign of affection.

6. Curving the Tip of Their Tail


One way that a cat may show affection is by fluffing out the base of their tail while at the same time, slightly curving the tip. This is sometimes referred to as the happy tail dance.

7. Nipping You


If your cat is nipping at your fingers, don’t get upset, it is one of the ways that they may show affection. Although it may be painful in some cases, the cat does not comprehend that it is unpleasant for you. These types of love bites are often displayed from one cat to another as well.

8. Rubbing Your Legs


Many of us may wonder why our cats are constantly rubbing against our legs but it is just another way of displaying affection. What they are actually doing is marking you with their scent, which is a way of claiming you as their own.

9. Purring


Most of us recognize that a cat who is purring is a comfortable cat but it may also be a way that they are telling you they love you.

10. Following You


Your cat may seem to follow you everywhere you go but don’t look at it as being a nuisance, it is a sign of a loving connection. This is especially true if your cat tends to follow you around when it is not feeding time.

Via: Little Things

Make sure you share this information with a cat lover in your life