10 Ingenious Ways To Use Magazine Holders You Never Thought Of Before

Ask any homeowner and they will let you know, one of the more frustrating parts of having your own space is a lack of organization. At times, it seems like no matter what we try, the clutter just continues to creep in on us. If you are tired of the clutter and want to take charge of your home again, one way to do so is through these ingenious uses for magazine holders.

Admittedly, most of us may never have thought about using magazine holders for anything other than magazines. You’re not going to believe the difference it can make, however, when you use them properly. They are inexpensive and they come in a wide variety of styles, colours and designs.

Many of us desire to get away from it all, but research has shown the primary reason why we want to go on vacation is because of the simplicity of our living arrangements. Why not take a vacation at home and organise using these ingenious magazine holder hacks?

1. Get your hot irons together


2. 0rganise your toilet paper


3. Keep your food wrap under wraps


4. Never lose your flip-flops again


5. Keep your cutting boards handy


6. Keep all of your clutches in one location


7. You can make this storage shelf


8. 0rganise your canned food


9. 0rganise all of your bills, letters and cards


10. Hide your modem and router


Via: Tip Hero

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