The Reasons Why Candles and Air Fresheners Are Bad for You

As a homeowner, you want to make sure that it is as presentable as possible. Not only do you want it to look clean, you want it to smell clean as well! Of course, you would never want to improve the look or scent of the home at the expense of the health of your family.

Many people use commercial products to keep the home smelling nice and doing so is a personal decision. When you take a look behind the scenes at what actually happens when you use these products, however, it is likely to change your mind on using them in the first place.

Indoor air pollution is a serious problem and in almost every case, the quality of air inside of the home is going to be worse than the quality of air outside. Your home can’t truly be clean until you pay attention to the air quality and in doing so, you may reduce what could be making you sick.

The following are a number of products that are commonly used for their scent in the home but they may pose hidden dangers.


Many of us burn festive candles during the holidays but at times, we may even find that we are burning throughout the year. They promote a relaxing atmosphere in the home and help it to smell great.


What many people don’t realize, however, is that scented candles could be putting formaldehyde into your indoor atmosphere, causing health problems for you and your family. But scented candles are not the only problem.

According to a joint study by the UK’s Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, up to 40,000 deaths annually could be linked to air pollution that occurs both outside and inside the home. The numbers are even worse across Europe.

“Indoor air pollution may have caused or contributed to 99,000 deaths annually in Europe.”

Scented candles are not the only issue, everything from chemical cleaners and boiler fumes to commercial air fresheners may be to blame.


Why is it that these common items that can be found in any grocery store are so toxic to our health?

The National Resources Defense Council has also conducted an in-depth study of air fresheners and has this to say about them:

“The federal government does not currently test air fresheners for safety or require manufacturers to meet any specific safety standards.”


In addition, 74 common air freshening products were tested in 2007. The test was done to determine the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

According to the results of that study, more than 350 different allergens and chemicals were found. Some of those offensive items included formaldehyde, benzene and styrene. In addition, Phthalates were found, and they are a toxic chemical that can affect reproductive development and our hormone balance.

Of course, you are not going to see phthalate listed on the ingredient label, those companies have the official permission to replace that chemical name with “fragrance” or, at the most, “parfum.”


More than likely, you are now thinking about all of the air pollution that occurs outside of the home from factories, cars and industry. Aren’t those chemicals worse than what could occur from a simple scented candle?

The answer is yes no.

Although the chemicals that occur outside may be worse, they are also far more diluted because they are free to travel anywhere on the planet and are carried on the winds. That is not the case inside of your home.

More and more frequently, homes are tightly insulated and that prevents air exchange from inside to outside and vice versa.

Once a toxic substance is introduced into the home, either through spraying, scented candles or offgassing, they stay in the home. Over time, they build up and the result is a much more polluted atmosphere than what is outside.


So if your home could use some freshening, what is a safe alternative?

Experts agree that a can of chemical air freshener is not the answer. Why not open a window and allow some fresh air into the home?

There are also DIY alternatives, such as putting a pot of water on the stove with lemons, cinnamon and cloves or perhaps using essential oils.

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Houseplants are also an excellent choice for cleaning up the air in the home, even after it has become polluted with chemicals.

Via: Little Things

Does it surprise you that the quality of air inside the home can be so deadly? Why not share this information with someone else? They will appreciate that you care for their well-being.