21 Things You Should Be Doing Now to Improve Your Life

If there is one thing that all of us have in common, it’s the fact that we want to live a happy life. Unfortunately, happiness seems to be a fleeting goal for many of us, and some people simply throw in the towel and give up on the dream.

If you struggle with depression, either from time to time or in a clinical sense, these suggestions may be able to help. Although there is no “magic bullet” that will remove all of your problems, taking positive steps may be just what the doctor ordered!

1. Exercise – I know that you have heard this advice before, but exercise is the most important thing you can do in life. If at all possible, exercise first thing in the morning and it will help energize you through the day. In addition, exercise will give you more focus, relieve stress and help you sleep better at night.

2. Don’t Procrastinate – If there is one word that is used more by procrastinators, it is the word “tomorrow.” The problem with tomorrow, however, is that it never arrives. Many people consider procrastinators to be lazy but in reality, they are just busy people that may have more of a problem with scheduling than laziness.

3. No Excuses – Do you remember the old Nike commercial, Just Do It? You should make that a motto in your life. If there is something that you want to do, be it on your long-term bucket list or just if it is a whim, take action and don’t put it off.

4. Read – Many people tend to scan information online, but that may not be helping to improve your life. Rather than looking through small articles and trying to glean all of the information that you can, read something substantial. It will open your mind, expand your vocabulary and help you to think.

5. Save – One of the problems that many people have is a lack of financial savings. You don’t need to be rich, but if you are aggressive about saving money now, it could make you happier in a few years.

6. No Grudges – If you tend to harbor hate in your heart and mind, it is like a poison. It tends to sap your energy and to be honest, it does you no good. If you find that somebody is causing you to feel this way, let them go.

7. Laugh – Admittedly, it can be difficult to laugh when you are not feeling up to par, but it is important for you to do so. One study after another has shown laughing is vitally important for your health, both physical and mental. Listen to comedy on your way to work or on your way home in the car. Take some time to call an old friend and discuss the “good old days.” You will be happy you did.

8. Be Thankful – This is another difficult tip for many people, but it is an important one. When you feel as if you are on your last leg, take a moment to think about some of your blessings. All of us have something we can be happy for in life, even if it takes some time for us to think about it. It may not come easily at first, but if you take time every day to be grateful for what you have, you will find that you have much to be grateful for!

9. Slow Down – Many of us rush from one issue to another in our life and we don’t truly take the time to slow down and smell the roses. Give yourself a break every once in a while to enjoy life and relax.

10. Give – There are many experts who will recommend that you give to charity regularly, but it is more important to have a charitable attitude. Don’t think of it in the sense of giving money or time, think of it as giving what you can, when you can. At times, it may just be a smile to a stranger or an extra big tip to a waitress that seems to be having a bad day. When you give to others, it gives back to you.

11. Don’t Give – Okay, this is a bit of a contradiction, considering I just told you to give in the last tip. At times, it is just necessary to be a little selfish. That is especially true if you find yourself giving so much that you have nothing for yourself. There is nothing wrong with pampering yourself every once in a while.

12. Be Bold – Many people live their life afraid to get into a conversation with others. If you tend to be shy, it is time to break out of your shell. After all, what is the worst thing that could happen if you try to start a conversation? Maybe they would ignore you, or perhaps even be rude, but in either case, you will survive. The bad experiences you have because you are extroverted are going to be eclipsed by the good experiences.

13. Keep Your Phone Away – We live in a world that is electronically connected and it seems as if everybody is constantly staring at their cell phone. Don’t be that person. If you are with friends or family, take the time to pay attention to them and leave your electronic world until another convenient time.

14. Lesson – One of the difficulties that many people have is that they are thinking about something else when they should be listening to a conversation. This can cause a wide range of problems but most importantly, it limits your worth in any relationship. Remember that we have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason.

15. Travel – This may be difficult for some people, but if it is within your power to do so, get out and travel. It provides the opportunity to open your life to so many more experiences than you would have in your little corner of the world. If you absolutely cannot travel, make the most of the area where you live!

16. Be Yourself – It can be tempting to modify your personality, especially if you are not happy with the person you are. Make sure that you are yourself around others, and let your personality come through. If necessary, work on that personality but don’t hide behind false pretenses.

17. Be Open-Minded – This tip goes along with being yourself and listening. Take the time to take it in and don’t be close minded so that you feel like you know everything there is to know! You don’t…

18. Love Deeply – When it comes to showing love to others, regardless of whether it is your husband or wife, a friend, your workmates or even your pet, give it all you’ve got. Love is one thing that you can give away continually and you never run out of it!

19. Ask Why – As we get older, we tend to lose the ability to ask questions. It is important to be like a young child and ask why things happen from time to time. This type of curiosity can really open your mind and your life.

20. Follow Your Passions – Never be afraid to dream, because it will take you places that you never imagined possible. It doesn’t matter how small or large the dream happens to be, when you follow it continually, you are likely to grab hold of it.

21. Be Childlike – This final tip is a combination of many of the different suggestions offered on this page. When you become like a little child, you aren’t too “grown-up” to let life pass you by. In addition, becoming a child makes you less likely to be a jerk to others, and quite frankly, that is a direction that many of us could benefit from going. Although it is important to hang on to your power of reason, become like a young child and you will benefit in many ways.

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