The Newest Thing Is Wrapping A Scarf Around Your Dog. The Reason Why Could Save Their Life.

There are many people who suffer from anxiety disorders and it is not unusual for dogs to experience them as well. If you have a dog that tends to be a nervous Nelly, understand that there is hope. As a matter of fact, the hope may be as simple as using a scarf.

Believe it or not, the therapeutic wrap provided by the scarf is a real way to lower the stress of your dog. You will be amazed with how well it works and not only it can normally make them less nervous, it may actually help to extend their life.

This therapeutic half wrap is very popular on social media. It can help your dog when they are dealing with high stress. Just use a piece of fabric the same width and length as a scarf.


Wrap it around your dog at the chest and then the withers.



It helps your dog to feel protected, as if you had your arms wrapped around them


By the way, they aren’t just great for your dog, you can make a real fashion statement.


Of course, you could just buy one as well!


This is amazing. I can’t wait to try it out on my own dog when we go to the groomer.

Please share this amazing trick with your friends and family.